About Me

On the following page you will read about my experiences this semester and what I have learned. I will also tell you about what I am proud of and what my roadmap is for the future.

For this semester I think I really learned A lot, I learning more about being in a group Creating scrum plannigs, keeping tasks and taking care that everybody feels included during the project.
This semester I think i learned more about creating 3d modeling and development than i learned about UX & UI, maybe this is because i like to be busy with creating things and not so much with designing part of it. However i do really want to learn more about the design part, because there i can really make a difference. , When i make a design i always like it to check with people what there point of view is and what they think of it. So for the next semester in Smart mobile I will get more in to designing and creating a good user expereince.
For my development i think i really boosted my skills in creating 3d on websites with THREE.js. This was really cool to make and i enjoyed it a lot. I think that in the future i will use this more often because this is a great way to enchance the UI. By using 3d i can really create a unique joureny for the user and make the website more interactive.