
For this learning outcome, I made a portfolio in HTML, CSS, and JS. I made a scroll button and carousel in JS for the carousel I used Swiper.js. In the about me page, I used a canvas element to make a 3D object. This I made with Three.js and pcd loader. I deployed my website through cloudflare and I used git connection. I also made a manifest file for the website this enables the user to download the website as an app.


Version Control.

For this learning outcome, I used Git for version control. I used Git because I think it's straightforward to use. I made one extra branch for development, and the main branch is live on my website
I also made a connection to cloudflare, so you can see the website live here Here is a link to my Git hosted on the Fhict server GitLab.
On my GitHub page you will find a README for setup.
You can also find the code and comments to explain it.


I use Vite for building my website, using its fast and efficient development process. And in the Three.js tutorial I am following Vite is also used. For deployment, I rely on Cloudflare Workers and Pages, which provide a robust and scalable platform for hosting. Cloudflare Workers enable serverless computing, allowing me to run backend code close to the user for optimal performance, while Cloudflare Pages offer an easy-to-use, integrated solution for deploying static sites. This combination ensures that my website is not only quickly developed but also highly performant and reliably hosted.




In the development project, I made a website for the Fontys part-time study. I did it together with my group mate.
And we used GitLab for the version control we made a development branch to create the website in. I also made a connection to cloudflare so you can see the website live on


For the website, we used HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can find our code in our git repository. In git, you will find a readme file and the code explained with comments. For this project, we made an Easter egg within the website. When you scroll all the way down a terminal pops up here, you get an assignment, and after you finish the assignment you will get a reward.



For sprint-X I made a terminal style portfolio website for Jasper Latour. I wrote who he is and what he does. And project he made in his career as a technology student. The code can be found in the gitlab repository. I used GitLab for the version control we made a development branch to create the website in. For this project I also made a connection to cloudflare so you can see the website live here
