Solaria Design
For the client project we had to create a studio, so we created Solaria Design. We had to create a logo, a brand story, brand guide and a Video. Below i will show you what and how we created Solaria Design.
For our brand we needed to create a brand story, so my team mates and i started writing down our core values. We put them on a board and started brainstorming about what we wanted to do with our brand. We saw soon that we are all adventurous and we love to explore the world. So we came up with the idea of Solaria Design, a studio that finds and explores people spark.
After we had our brand story I started with the logo. I wanted to make a logo that represented all of our core values. because we all like to explore i wanted to something with landscapes, like mountains or the sea. These are all things you see when you go exploring. Then I made a figma and finalised the logo in illustrator. If you want to read more about my logo process you can check it out Here.
Brand Guide
For the brand guide one of the group members made the First Version of the brand guide then we asked feedback on this. Created the second version where the feedback is incorporated. The first version was created in adobe express; my group member made the brand guide on vertical document.
We asked for feedback from dirk and told us that he liked the design but that we should make the brand guide in adobe InDesign to keep the logo on the same position in every page. He also had the idea to make the brand guide horizontally because this would go better with our design style.
On the First iteration of the brand guide, I made dirks ideas come to life with adobe InDesign, it works great for making a sort of template (parent pages) to keep the consistency in every page. For this I also added the Logo do's and don'ts.
Iteration & Final
For this Feedback dirk Told me to make the do’s and don'ts of the logo’s clearer. He told me for example to add red crosses to make it clear that the user really should not use those. So I added the red crosses and made the do’s and don'ts more clear in the Second/final iteration.
For the video I came up with the idea of our group standing in a space ship and we are flying through space. We are looking for the spark of people. in the video we say who we are and what we do. We also show our logo and stickers. We made the video in the video lab at fontys R10. For the video in the videolab we used the pixel playground for wich i made the 3d enviroment. In unreal engine i made the space ship were we would be standing.
I had a lot of fun making the video, but I also had struggles. For example I didn't have a storyboard so I didn't know what to film. and I didn't have a really clear vision of what we wanted to make. Overall I am really proud of the result.