
For this LO I will tell you how I acted in group projects and in what way I contacted with stakeholders, group members and teachers.


I didn't make a planning for the assignments I did before Sprint-X. Because I thought I could manage my time well without a plan. My planning for this semester was mainly just google calendar, this to check when i had time to work on the projects. For the most part, I could do every task, but I didn't have anything to keep track of the tasks I did and still had to do.

For Sprint-X, though, I had to make a weekly plan because it was required for the assignment. This helped a lot with keeping track of all the tasks. This schedule made it easier to plan ahead. It also made planning for sprint X it easier for me to contact my stakeholder. Here is my planning for sprint X.



We started with the assignment, and we divided the tasks equally. It was hard keeping track of all the tasks we did and still had to do since we didn't make a trello or something similar. But the communication between group members was good, so I could easily ask someone what still had to be done. I mostly used whatsapp for the team communication since this was the fastest way to get a response. I used Teams mostly for sending documents, and for talking to teachers and stakeholders. I believe adopting a more structured system like Trello or using other SCRUM methodologies would improve our way of working. Because with trello, I can keep track of all the tasks we need to do and are already done. It would enhance the way we work as a group, and it can improve the way tasks are divided. I can, for example, choose tasks I need as evidence for my portfolio.


For all my projects, I based my research on the DOT framework. I used CMD methods to find the right information in a fast and efficient way. It helped me to determine what information was important and what not, and what tasks I needed to do. You can find the usage of the DOT framework in my research files, these are linked with the assignment.



The reports I wrote are all linked in my portfolio. You can see this in all the other learning outcomes. I also presented the Beat Box brand for the stakeholder and I got some feedback about this. You can see this in my document for the Beat Box project. And here is a link to the BeatBox.ppt
For the sprint-X project, I made a video to show my projects journey. You can see this in the sprint-X video.